
REST Service

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When PulsarRPA runs as a REST service, X-SQL can be used to scrape webpages or to query web data directly at any time, from anywhere, without opening an IDE.

Build from Source

git clone https://github.com/platonai/pulsar.git
cd pulsar && bin/build-run.sh

For Chinese developers, we strongly suggest you to follow this instruction to accelerate the building process.

Use X-SQL to Query the Web

Start the pulsar server if it is not started:


Scrape a webpage in another terminal window:


The bash script is quite simple; it just uses curl to post an X-SQL:

curl -X POST --location "http://localhost:8182/api/x/e" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -d "
      dom_base_uri(dom) as url,
      dom_first_text(dom, '#productTitle') as title,
      str_substring_after(dom_first_href(dom, '#wayfinding-breadcrumbs_container ul li:last-child a'), '&node=') as category,
      dom_first_slim_html(dom, '#bylineInfo') as brand,
      cast(dom_all_slim_htmls(dom, '#imageBlock img') as varchar) as gallery,
      dom_first_slim_html(dom, '#landingImage, #imgTagWrapperId img, #imageBlock img:expr(width > 400)') as img,
      dom_first_text(dom, '#price tr td:contains(List Price) ~ td') as listprice,
      dom_first_text(dom, '#price tr td:matches(^Price) ~ td') as price,
      str_first_float(dom_first_text(dom, '#reviewsMedley .AverageCustomerReviews span:contains(out of)'), 0.0) as score
  from load_and_select('https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1H26C46  -i 1d -njr 3', 'body');

Example code: bash, batch, java, kotlin, php.

The response is as follows in JSON format:

    "uuid": "cc611841-1f2b-4b6b-bcdd-ce822d97a2ad",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "pageStatusCode": 200,
    "pageContentBytes": 1607636,
    "resultSet": [
            "title": "Tara Toys Ariel Necklace Activity Set - Amazon Exclusive (51394)",
            "listprice": "$19.99",
            "price": "$12.99",
            "categories": "Toys & Games|Arts & Crafts|Craft Kits|Jewelry",
            "baseuri": "https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1H26C46"
    "pageStatus": "OK",
    "status": "OK"

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