

PulsarRPA 使用简单的加载参数来精确描述一个采集任务,譬如数据生命周期,页面质量要求,任务截止日期,任务重试等。绝大多数情况下,一个数据采集任务可以用 url arguments 形式的文本来唯一确定,因此它可以很轻松地被复制、管理、存储、传输、并行化,以及沟通交流。

首先还是从 PulsarSession 开始:

// Create a pulsar session
val session = PulsarContexts.createSession()
// The main url we are playing with
val url = "https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1H26C46"


选项 -expires 用来指定页面过期时间:

// Load a page, or fetch it if the expiry time exceeds.
// Option `-expires` specifies the expiry time and has a short form `-i`.
// The expiry time support both ISO-8601 standard and hadoop time duration format:
// 1. ISO-8601 standard : PnDTnHnMn.nS
// 2. Hadoop time duration format : Valid units are : ns, us, ms, s, m, h, d.
var page = session.load(url, "-expires 10s")
page = session.load(url, "-i 10s")

一个链接会实际失效,譬如说电商网站的一个商品被下架;但是该链接在后来或许又会重新生效,譬如该商品重新上架。默认情况下,PulsarRPA 在 3 次探测到链接无效后,会将该链接标记为“丢失”( Gone),并不再采集该链接。

选项 -ignoreFailure 用来忽略“丢失”状态:

// Add option `-ignoreFailure` to force re-fetch ignoring all failures even if `fetchRetries` exceeds the maximal.
page = session.load(url, "-ignoreFailure -expires 0s")

选项 -refresh 用来强制重新采集,就像在真实浏览器上点击“刷新”按钮:

// Add option `-refresh` to force re-fetch ignoring all failures and set `fetchRetries` to be 0,
// `-refresh` = `-ignoreFailure -expires 0s` and `page.fetchRetires = 0`.
page = session.load(url, "-refresh")



选项 -requireSize 指定页面最小尺寸,如果实际采集的尺寸小于该值,则需要重新采集。

选项 -requireImages 指定页面最小图片数,如果实际采集的图片数小于该值,则需要重新采集。

选项 -requireAnchors 指定页面最小链接数,如果实际采集的链接数小于该值,则需要重新采集。

// Option `-requireSize` to specifies the minimal page size, the page should be re-fetch if the
// last page size is smaller than that.
page = session.load(url, "-requireSize 300000")

// Option `-requireImages` specifies the minimal image count, the page should be re-fetch if the image count of the
// last fetched page is smaller than that.
page = session.load(url, "-requireImages 10")

// Option `-requireAnchors` specifies the minimal anchor count, the page should be re-fetch if
// the anchor count of the last fetched page is smaller than that.
page = session.load(url, "-requireAnchors 100")


选项 -deadline 用来指定任务的截止时间,如果过了截止事件任务还没有完成,则该任务会在第一时间丢弃。

// If the deadline is exceeded, the task should be abandoned as soon as possible.
page = session.load(url, "-deadline 2022-04-15T18:36:54.941Z")

大规模采集项目中,我们通常不会编写 load() -> parse() -> select() 这样的顺序性代码,而是会激活解析子系统,并在解析子系统中注册 事件处理器,通过事件处理器来执行文档相关任务,譬如提取字段,将字段保存到数据库,收集更多链接等等。

选项 -parse 用来激活解析子系统。

// Add option `-parse` to activate the parsing subsystem.
page = session.load(url, "-parse")


选项 -storeContent 来选择保存网页内容。

// Option `-storeContent` tells the system to save the page content to the storage.
page = session.load(url, "-storeContent")

PulsarRPA 提供了完善的重试机制,来保证所采集的页面符合分析要求。


  1. 延迟加载的内容未被加载
  2. 页面临时失效
  3. 本地网络临时故障
  4. 代理网络临时失效
  5. 页面跳转至其他页面,如登录/人机验证等
  6. 其他异常

选项 -nMaxRetry 指定了自动重试的最大次数,如果重试次数超过最大次数,则该页面被标记为“丢失”( Gone )。除非特别指定,系统不会再采集丢失的页面。

// Option `-nMaxRetry` specifies the maximal number of retries in the crawl loop, and if it's still failed
// after this number, the page will be marked as `Gone`. A retry will be triggered when a RETRY(1601) status code
// is returned.
page = session.load(url, "-nMaxRetry 3")


// Option `-nJitRetry` specifies the maximal number of retries for the load phase, which will be triggered
// when a RETRY(1601) status is returned.
page = session.load(url, "-nJitRetry 2")


// Load or fetch the portal page, and then load or fetch the out links selected by `-outLink`.
// 1. `-expires` specifies the expiry time of item pages and has a short form `-ii`.
// 2. `-outLink` specifies the cssSelector for links in the portal page to load.
// 3. `-topLinks` specifies the maximal number of links selected by `-outLink`.
// Fetch conditions:
// 1. `-itemExpires` specifies the expiry time of item pages and has a short form `-ii`.
// 2. `-itemRequireSize` specifies the minimal page size.
// 3. `-itemRequireImages` specifies the minimal number of images in the page.
// 4. `-itemRequireAnchors` specifies the minimal number of anchors in the page.
var pages = session.loadOutPages(url, "-expires 10s" +
        " -itemExpires 7d" +
        " -outLink a[href~=item]" +
        " -topLinks 10" +
        " -itemExpires 1d" +
        " -itemRequireSize 600000" +
        " -itemRequireImages 5" +
        " -itemRequireAnchors 50"


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